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Lucubrate Magazine Issue 38, Friday 7th, September 2018 
Two days ago I was out driving in my car. During the trip, I asked myself a question; can we drive our business as easily and professionally as driving our cars. Is driving business a talent or is it gained skills?
Let’s talk today about a very important matter in business management. In another meaning, we can say business reformation. This matter is how to make the balance between the two main business partners. On the one hand, you have the company. On the other hand, you have the employees.

The Winner Takes it All

How can you make the company you represent a winner?

When the company becomes a winner the employee will also become winners. How can you drive the whole company employees to serve and achieve the company goals? How can you drive all the company resources to create an excellent work environment and job conditions that motivate and encourage your employees? This can improve their work performance. How can you follow up through the company resources support?

Find the Balance

We can imagine this relationship between the company and the employee as an equation which must have a right and left side components with reversible reaction to ensure the balance of this equation. Any variations in the components of this equation will lead to losing the balance of our
business and will make us lose the success and achieved a continuous loss.
Next time I will write about a group of suggestion to keep the balance between the company net profits and the employees’ rights and to avoid any further loss for both partners.

Lucubrate Magazine Issue 38, Friday 7th, September 2018 

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Sameh Nabil
Sameh Nabil

Sameh Nabil has been working as a consultant for about 18 years in the
field of Human Resources and Business Reformation. He holds a Masters
Degree in Business Administration

He is MBA from Alexandria University

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